Sunrise / sunset simulation technology for fish
Sunrise and sunset simulator (also called Dawn / Dusk simulator): benefits for you and your animals-an investment that pays for itself
We are huge supporters of sunrise / sunset simulation technology. You can produce more natural lighting for your fish or other light-sensitive animals such as poultry, dairy cows, beef cattle and pets in aquariums
.Q: "What is a sunrise / sunset simulator?"
A: the technology (electronics; hardware) exists to simulate gradually rising and falling light intensities, just as we see at dawn and dusk.
Reduce stress, increase feeding and growth performance increase feeding efficiency (i.e., lower feed conversion ratio) reduce physical injuries and mortality losses from collisions and stress reduce the incidence of disease and drug costs increase the overall well-being of fish stocks
Save money and save fish savings of 15 % or more in feed costs and mortality per year the system quickly pays for itself in saving feed and animals Q: "Can I use this technique to extend the length of the day in outdoor applications?"
A: yes. When used to extend the length of the day on outdoor reservoirs, watercourses or other production systems, this technique provides your animals with additional time for feeding and growing. Q: "is investing in lighting control circuits a wise choice?"
A: yes. It is undoubtedly a wise investment, given the benefits that can be achieved using this technology (for example, lower feed costs, lower mortality, shorter growing times, lower drug costs, etc.). Within a short time, your investment will pay for itself.